Building Link

3 Weeks
UX/UI Designer
User Interviews & Surveys, Competitive Analysis, Informational Architecture, Task Analysis, Wireframing, User Testing
Figma, Sketching, Survey Tools


The BuildingLink App Redesign project aims to improve the user experience of the longstanding property management software, BuildingLink. Recognizing the need for an update after more than a decade in the industry, this project aims to address the software's outdated design, its lack of user-friendliness, and various underlying issues. With a keen focus on user-centered design, the initiative will involve extensive research to gather actionable insights directly from BuildingLink's diverse user base, ensuring that the redesign truly resonates with the needs and preferences of property managers and residents alike.

Central to this redesign is the enhancement of the app's interface and functionality, making it more intuitive and streamlined for daily use. The project will delve into reimagining the app’s structure, aesthetics, and interactive elements, prioritizing ease of navigation and efficiency. This approach is not just about modernizing the software, but also about elevating the overall user experience to meet contemporary expectations, ensuring that BuildingLink remains a leader in the property management software sector.

Role & Responsibilities

As the lead designer my primary responsibilities involved overseeing the project's research initiatives and the development of design mockups. I organized and analyzed user research to inform design decisions, ensuring our approach was user-centric. I was responsible for creating both low-fidelity and high-fidelity mockups, translating user needs and project goals into tangible, visually compelling design solutions. 

Tools & Methods

Methods: User Interviews & Surveys, Competitive Analysis, Persona Development, User Journey & Informational Architecture, Task Analysis, Wireframing, User Testing

Tools: Figma, Sketching, Survey Tools

Value Proposition

  • Revitalized Navigation Experience: Addressing the core issue of difficult navigation and hidden features, the BuildingLink App Redesign project offers a radically improved user journey. By reorganizing the landing page and decluttering the layout, the redesign makes it effortless for users to find the sections and tools they need, enhancing overall user efficiency. 
  • Legible and Engaging Interface: Recognizing that readability and presentation are crucial for user engagement, the redesign focuses on creating a visually appealing and legible interface. This involves implementing a clear, organized text format and an intuitive layout that reduces cognitive load. 
  • Intuitive Feature Discovery: A key aspect of the redesign is ensuring users are aware of all available features. By intuitively guiding users through the app, the redesign uncovers previously hidden functionalities, maximizing the value users get from the app. 

Problem Statement

How might we redesign enhance the application’s usability, ensuring that users can effortlessly navigate and access all features, while also improving the interface for greater readability and engagement?

User Research

In the research phase of the BuildingLink App Redesign project, I conducted over six user interviews and sent out surveys to 50+ residents to delve deep into the needs and preferences of the users. I also examined discussions in forums, Reddit threads, and analyzed feedback from the Apple Store and Play Store reviews.

  • Key findings: Users of residential apps prioritize simplicity, reliability, and responsiveness over a plethora of features. They seek an easy-to-use platform that efficiently supports their needs.

User Journey Map

Most user pain points occur in the initial stages of interaction, primarily attributed to the app's poorly structured homepage. Users frequently struggle with navigation due to an unintuitive layout and ambiguously named features. This map highlights these early-stage hurdles, providing crucial insights into how the app’s interface and user flow can be restructured for a more intuitive and efficient user experience.

Personas & User Stories

While diverse in their roles and needs, users universally share the goal of completing tasks on the app quickly and efficiently. Whether it's a resident booking amenities or a property manager handling maintenance requests, each persona emphasizes the need for a smooth and streamlined app experience.

Competitive Analysis

The competitive analysis offered critical insights into best practices and areas for improvement by examining other residential applications. Key observations include:

  • The application does not have many competitors in the market
  • The simpler the design, the better the user reviews and ratings

Design Direction

  • Homepage Feature Prioritization: Bringing all essential features to the forefront of the homepage and providing user with ample space for easy access. This approach not only enhances visibility but also facilitates quicker navigation to frequently used functionalities like package tracking or maintenance requests.
  • Streamlining of Features: In line with minimalist and user-focused design philosophy, features deemed non-essential will be either removed or subtly integrated under the “Profile” section. This decision is aimed at decluttering the user interface, thereby reducing cognitive load and improving the overall user experience.
  • Notification Feature Integration: This addition aims to keep users informed and engaged.

Wireframing & User Testing

During three rounds of user testing for the BuildingLink app redesign, I progressed from a clean, minimalist design, to a structured grid layout, and finally to a simplified homepage prioritizing essential features. The first round highlighted the need for balance between minimalism and feature discoverability, while the second round's grid layout improved organizational clarity but received mixed reactions on information density. The final round successfully combined these learnings, presenting a streamlined homepage that was highly intuitive and efficient, earning positive feedback for its easy access to key functionalities and uncluttered presentation, aligning closely with user needs.
